Academic Enrichment Centre

Academic Enrichment Centre

AEC is a school-based therapy centre responsible for the implementation of programmes that  to encourage learners to develop a growth mindset, enhance their skills and experience self-confidence. We in promote equity by acknowledging that all learners learn differently and attempts should therefore be made at understanding their thinking, learning and behavioural patterns.

The therapist team is headed up by an Educational Psychologist and consists of three learning support teachers, as well as an Occupational Therapist. Our school offers on-site counselling by our Educational Psychologist.



  • Assessment of referred learners to ensure that possible difficulties/differences are identified and learning progress is monitored.
  • Implementation of tailor-made programmes/accommodations aimed at improving and /or supporting identified difficulties related to learning, perception, thinking, attention, social, behavioural and/or emotional aspects.
  • Working with an on-site multi-disciplinary team consisting of speech therapists, occupational therapists, learning support teachers and educational psychologists. This should promote effective communication between the various role players.
  • Early identification and follow-up intervention geared towards minimizing possible future difficulties.
  • Individualised and group-facilitated remediation to bridge mathematics, spelling, reading and/or language delays.
  • Study methods and test taking skills offered individually and annually from Grade 4-11.
  • Career guidance and subject choice assessments for Grade 9 learners.
  • School readiness assessments for all Grade 0 learners.
  • Parental guidance and support.
  • Providing in-service training to staff members to promote effective teaching techniques aimed at understanding and accommodating learners who learn differently.


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